Scientists Turn Carbon Dioxide into New Usable Fuel Source.

Scientists have discovered a way to convert carbon dioxide into usable energy source. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Illinois at Chicago conducted a study on how to turn carbon dioxide into a usable energy source with the use of sunlight. Carbon dioxide is relatively chemically unreactive, which makes the compound difficult to convert into something else, the researchers said in a press release . Argonne chemist and author of the study Larry Curtiss, together with his colleagues, addressed this inherent challenge by finding a catalyst - a compound that could make carbon dioxide more reactive. The researchers used a metal compound called tungsten diselenide, fashioned into tiny flakes to maximize the surface area and to expose its reactive edges. While plants make use of an organic catalyst called enzyme to convert carbon dioxide into a sugar, the researchers also used their catalyst to tu...