UFO Sighting: An 'ancient alien' antenna is spotted sticking up on the Moon.

A spire on the moon might be more than 3 miles tall and offer a means of communication for extra-terrestrial aliens, say UFO spotters. Now the UFO hunters are all over the place , just as the UFOs are. One information hunter-gatherer said that he had nailed an 'ancient alien spire' on the moon's surface. Meet Mark Sawalha, who saw it in a NASA image and believed that it is located in an alien camp on the moon. The Finnish man spotted it in January 2016 and evaluated that it could be 3.64 miles tall. "Aliens are using moon minerals and they have bases there too. Many other findings support this theory," Mr Sawalha said. He charged NASA of having known about it, but not disclosing the information to the public. It is probably why there have been no other visitations to the moon after Apollo mission, he believed. "Finding Alien anomalies (mechanical structures, buildings, etc) on our solar system is quite [a] new matter f...