Tesla battery cuts family’s power bill.

A Sydney family claims its power bill has plummeted in the 12 months since installing a Tesla Powerwall battery. The Pfitzner family, the first to install a Powerwall in Australia, has finally been able to calculate its first 12 months of Tesla Powerwall battery use. Nick Pfitzner, a programmer in Kellyville Ridge, in Sydney’s northwest, says the family’s power bill dropped 92 per cent over a year since installing a Powerwall in January last year. Instead of paying $2289.17 in 12 months, Mr Pfitzner says he paid $178.71 in the 12 months. He says his figures include any connection and other administration charges. However Mr Pfitzner has around 5 years to go before the savings break even with the equipment outlay. The savings don’t take into account the capital cost of the solar energy panels, inverter, battery and installation costs. Natural Solar, which installed the system, says the units can take around 6 years before the savings exceed the original capital outlay cost...