To a person who knows the complete reality of sex, the full implications of sex, sex becomes useless.
Anybody can marry. Anybody can produce children. It has nothing to do with an understanding of sex. Animals procreate, but it does not mean they know anything about sex. The truth of the matter is that sex has not been studied scientifically. No philosophy or science of sex has developed because everyone believed he knew about sex. No one has seen the need for a scripture of sex. This is a very grave mistake by mankind. The day we fully develop a scripture, a science, a complete system of thought on sex, we will produce a new race of humans. Then, there won’t be the production of such ugly, insipid, lame and feeble human beings. Sick, weak, dull men won’t be seen any more on this earth. It isn’t at all necessary to continue producing the present kind of generation, a generation born out of sin and guilt. But we are not aware of this. We are in the habit of switching the light on and off, and have concluded we know everything about electricity. Even at the end of his lifet...