Shiv Tantra Point of view of Sexuality

The Important thing is having an open and respectful approach of sexuality

Shiv Tantra Point of view.

During sexual arousal an enormous amount of energy can be channeled upwards from the genitals along the spine to the top of the head. On its way up this energy fills and cleans blockages in the chakras, caused by emotional and psychological wounds. This explains why several spiritual paths view sexual yoga as a shortcut to enlightenment.
Human bodies are beautifully shaped and wondrously working temples of the soul; in sex , the body literally is the temple in which the divine is worshipped, and the genital area is the altar.
Yet so many of us are unfortunately raised with the idea that our genitals are ugly. Why for heaven's sake? Why is it considered to be very romantic if a poet describes the
beautiful eyes, face or breasts of a woman, and why is thought to be obscene if he
mentions the attraction of an opened vulva?
In the book 'Conversations with God' Neale Walsch asks how we could best express
sexual energy. And Gods answer is: "Lovingly. Openly. Playfully. Joyfully. Outrageous.
Passionately. Sacred. Creative. Shameless. Sensual. And of course regularly." About
masturbation God states "give yourself enough pleasure and you will dispose of enough
pleasure to give away to others". For those who wonder whether sex should be openly
discussed and celebrated I hope this is an answer.
Accepting and enjoying the pure you provide a strong connection with the forces of ever-creative Great Mother Nature, and it reminds us of being gods ourselves. In this way oral sex becomes an intimate way of worshipping the god or goddess in your partner through adoring the genitals, being the physical representation of the male or female deity. In oral sex the active partner connects the spiritual chakras in the head with the sexual and creative chakra of the receptive partner,another connection between spirituality and sexuality.
Sexuality and spirituality are two sides of the same coin; they both aim at feeling
fantastic, being in the present moment (the never-ending now), dissolving barriers with
other realms, connecting with the divine, experiencing oneness, timelessness, void and
ecstasy. Only their starting point differs: sex starts in the lowest chakras while spirituality
is seated in the higher chakras.


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