America’s First Hemp House Pulls CO2 From the Air.(This beautiful eco-friendly home only costs $133 per square foot to build.)

Hemp is making a major comeback around the world. In the US, five states have legalized the recreational use of cannabis, and hemp -based building materials are now gaining in popularity. The first house built in America with hemcrete was constructed in Asheville, North Carolina, and the 3,400 square foot Push House boasts a number of eco-friendly features. To create a solid – yet breathable – wall system, hemp hurds were mixed with lime and water on-site an poured in-between the exterior supporting studs in lift. As USA Today notes , Hempcrete is actually less like concrete and more like infill straw bale, as it is non-structural. The insulating quality is r-2.5 per inch, and it has the unique ability to capture airborne pollutants over time – absorbing carbon when it is grown and in place. The interior walls of this gorgeous, eco-friendly house are made from Purepanel , a unique product made from recycled paper. It...