Next Google Glass could offer 'Terminator-like' vision.

Even as the first version of its Internet-connected Google Glass didn’t quite take off with consumers and privacy advocates, Google's new patent filed at the US Patent and Trademark Office hints at a new technology, possibly incorporated in the Google’s next version of the smart glasses, that could give the wearer Terminator-like vision.

The patent, formally titled "Self-Describing Three-Dimensional (3D) Object Recognition and Control Descriptors for Augmented Reality Interfaces", describes the technology that would allow users to receive information about objects they see through the smart glasses.

Put simply, if you are wearing the Google Glass with the purported technology fitted inside, you will be able to receive information about things lying in front of your line of vision. From the working of a fax machine to a chair’s height or even the map of the room, the feature will show all the information using augmented reality.

Although such a feature would translate into the smart glasses providing information on possibly everything that the wearer sees; the patent mentions that the data provided through the feature could only work for objects within a pre-defined local environment, which means you can only get information about locations or things about which Google Glass knows already, IB Times reports.

However, akin to all patents, this one too doesn’t necessarily mean the technology would see the light of the day.


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