I feel without any love. I feel like a stone and always just full of anger and hate and aggression. I don’t love anyone.

Q: I feel without any love. I feel like a stone and always just full of anger and
hate and aggression. I don’t love anyone.

A: So it is perfectly good!
I’m not asking you to love me. There is no problem in it. If I ask you to love me and you don’t, then there is a problem. I am not creating any problem for you. This is the way you are! Accept it; what else can you do? Just relax into it. You are a stone, so you are a stone. Stones are also very precious.
Yes, precious stones are cold, even diamonds are cold. But what can you do? The stone cannot suddenly take a jump and become a flower; the stone will remain a stone. You can enjoy being a stone or you can be miserable being a stone, but the stone will remain a stone. And I don’t see that there are any problems: a few stones are needed. The world has variety. All are not needed to be the same; this is how it is rich. And you are a beautiful stone, so there is nothing to worry about. If energies change on their own some day, good. If they don’t change, then why waste time in thinking about impossible ideas? Enjoy it! Mm? And you can enjoy it.
You are always asking me to give you some idea so that you can start fighting with yourself; and that I am not going to do. You ask from this angle and then from that, but it is the same thing. What you are asking is for me to support some idea in you so that you can start fighting with yourself. You cannot remain without fight: you want to create some conflict, you want to create misery for yourself, and I’m not going to help you do that. I want you to be happy, and the only way to be happy is to be yourself as you are. Unhappiness comes when you start trying to be somebody else. So what is wrong in being cold? Hot people need a few cold people; it brings balance! Otherwise hot people will just burn up. Who will cool them?
There is no need to think about these things: that you don’t love me or you don’t love anybody. So what? It’s perfectly good! Enjoy this, that you don’t love anybody. This is very good, because you will not be in trouble. Love brings trouble: the more you love, the more trouble – anxiety and anguish, the fear of rejection and this and that. You are completely beyond all that: nobody can reject you because you don’t love at all. You are finished with the world.
[The person says again: But I miss love... I miss it!]
So miss it; what can be done about it? Or find somebody who is even colder than you. One thing has to be settled, that you are whatsoever you are and there is no way to be otherwise. The day you see this all misery will disappear. In that very seeing great bliss will arise in you, and maybe then love will become possible and you warm up. Nobody knows. But you cannot do it, it can only happen. It will be a gift from god, not something manipulated by you.
So just wait, and meanwhile, enjoy! Whatsoever you can do, do and enjoy. I see that you can enjoy it perfectly.
This idea also that you need love, this and that, comes from seeing other people. It is not really your idea; you are seeing that somebody is being loved and somebody is holding hands and hugging and they are in such love, and you feel you are missing, you must be missing something.
This is just your inference. It is not your deepest urge, because I don’t see the urge anywhere. So just wait, and enjoy!


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