Are South Africans blacks Xenophobic or Do African Leaders Share the Blame?
The Xenophobia or more appropriately Afrophobic attacks in South Africa
have been widely condemned and rightly so but there has been a superficial
outlook at the problem.
The South African blacks have been roundly condemned but
my take, as a person who lived in a number of foreign countries including South
Africa and has a hands on experience and a helicopter view of the problem is
rather a bit more objective. I would like to share my
broader view of problem while outlining the root causes of the xenophobic
attacks through a holistically approach because the causes are both internal and external.
It is important to point out that African countries leaders and their
economic mismanagement is partly to blame.
To start with, my experience and most African people in South Africa is
that a substantial number of South African blacks have two major
psychological problems that are a direct result of the hundreds of years of
apartheid and racial description..
The first problem is that they have an inferiority complex towards
whites and an intense hatred for whites to an extent that had it not been for “
Saint” Nelson’s reconciliation policy, they could avenged the hundreds of years
of injustice in a negative way thereby destroyed their sophisticated economy.
The second psychological problem they have is a misplaced superiority complex
towards their African brothers and sisters.
This superiority complex is premised on the fact that South Africa is
the most industrialised country in Sub Saharan Africa with first world
infrastructure. The blacks feel they are superior than other africans because
they effectively live in “ Europe” but they do not recognize the fact that the
infrastructure was built by the white man and they should just be “grateful”
beneficiaries! You will hear some black South Africans telling fellow Africans
viz: “which part of Africa are you from?”.
They somehow do not feel they are part of Africa! They also just do not
accept that Black Africans can be better than them because of having been
independent much earlier than them and therefore had better and superior
education and had been exposed to more advanced western education in Europe and
They are in denial of this fact until when the fellow African proves
otherwise. When they do, they become jealous. This mindset cuts across all
social strata of South African blacks whether educated or uneducated
apart from those who have been exposed and have lived abroad before and after
It is when a fellow African proves to be smarter than a South
Africanblacks because of his education , experience and exposure that
xenophobic mentality sets in. In high density areas with high poverty and
unemployment levels, it manifests itself in the violence that we are seeing
from time to time.
The level of ignorance by South African blacks about Africa
especially and their lack of exposure is part of the problem that is the route
cause of Afrophobia. If you went to any high density area in South Africa, you
will be lucky to get a person with a passport who has travelled to any of the
neighbouring countries.
There are Batswana speaking South Africans in the North West towns like
Rustenburg who have never travelled to their tribes mate in Botswana which is
just two hours away! You would not say the same about Mozambicans, Zimbabweans
,Botswana , Zimbabwe and Zambia where even semi illitrates have gone across
borders! These guys just do not travel outside South Africa and the old proverb
of my mother language, Bemba says : Umwana ashenda, atashishe Nyina ukunaya
There is no doubt that the major causes of the Xenophobic attacks is the
high level of poverty due to high unemployment but foreigners are not the cause
of this.
South Africa’s unemployment rate is above 25% which is very high for an
advanced economy like South Africa. The black foreigners, however, cannot dent
this unemployment rate even if they were all to be sent home. The impact of
foreign blacks on unemployment in South Africa is negligible and exaggerated
and impirical evidence support this.
The foreigner are just being used as a scapegoat for the deep seated
problems of the South African society and economy which the ANC has
not fully addressed. The ANC government shoulders the bulk of the problem that
South Africa faces, apartheid not withstanding.
The Government has failed to deliver services and jobs to the black
majority and the reasons are various but corruption is one of the major
The Government has failed to deliver services like water, electricity,
sanitation, housing, health to the most disadvantaged communities. The areas
where Xenophobic attacks are happening are the most affected by lack of
services and the affected foreigners live in those communities.
There is no Xenophobia in suburbs and that is why Zambians , Batswana,
Namibians, Tanzanians, Kenyans and others are not caught up there because the
bulk of the immigrants from these countries are skilled and they live in the
leafy and green suburbs of Durban, CapeTown, Johannesburg etc which are
metropolitan in nature.
The lack of services is largely due to the ANC’s deploying incompetent
cadres in Councils at the expense of skilled whites and giving contracts to
cadres who are not able to deliver. The frustration of non delivery of services
and unemployment has been passed on to the unfortunate foreigners who are living
within those communities and are viewed as having been the beneficiaries of the
freedom struggle.
It very important to also note that one of the major causes of the
xenophobic attacks is the liberal immigration policy towards refugees by the South
African Government.
The South African Government unlike many others in the world,
naively adopted a policy of letting refugees to integrate in the various
communities rather than being confined to camps like Zambia and many other
countries did.
It is not surprising that the foreigners who went into the high density
areas found a way of survival and saw opportunities for setting up small
businesses. They did not necessary get jobs from South Africans but created
their own jobs through setting up small businesses .The foreigners went on and
out competed the locals in small businesses as well jobs and accepted lower
The fact is that the businesses that these foreigners are running can be
done by South Africans and this where Government policy could be found wanting.
The question is that does South Africa need an Ethiopian, Pakistan, Somali, to
run a grocery store in Soweto, Guguletu or sell Bananas and apples on the
street of the Central Business district of Cape town, Johannesburg or Durban?
TheAnswer is no! It is any government’s duty to take care
of its citizens.
It is in this respect that the reservation policy where foreigners
cannot engage in some of this simple and mundane activities that citizens can
do should seriously be looked at. The reservation policy is one way that South
African Government can reduce the influx of unskilled foreigners setting
up small businesses that South Africans can do.
The other African Countries including Zambia should consider the same.
The reality is foreigners will always do better than locals in most economic
activities the World over but locals will not complain if the activities that
foreigners engage in are those they have no competence in.
There is an issue that all Africans citizens and their Governments are
not talking about and taking responsibility for! We should be honest that we
have swamped South Africa with illegal immigrants especially like late British
Prime Minister, Baroness Margaret Thatcher complained about Britain in the
The numbers of African immigrants in South Africa especially the
unskilled ones is unacceptably high for any country! It is my view that it is
the high numbers of immigrants- legal and illegal – who have settled in high
density areas that are the major cause of the problem of xenophobia today. Why
should a Zambian or Zimbabwean, Somali go and settle in a shanty compound in
South Africa? What value are they adding to the Country.
The cause of all this is the failure of leadership and a classic case is
Zimbabwe with one of the largest immigrant population in South Africa.
Zimbabweans started to go to South Africa after the meltdown of the economy
after the grabbing of white farms.
It is not rocket science to discern that the failure of leadership in
terms of economic management is the route cause of the uncontrolled immigration
into South Africa! Let us bite the bullet and admit that our African leaders
have failed us in the management of our economies and we better address this
before blaming South Africa entirely.
The only problem with the South Africans involved in
xenophobic attacks is the violent methodology of their protest about being
swamped! You do not have to kill in order to put your grievances across.
Source:Lusaka Times
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