This Study on Happiness Convinced a CEO to Pay All of His Employees at Least $70,000 a Year.
You can thank one Mr. Dan Price for the Internet's feel-good
business story of the day. The founder and chief executive of Seattle-based
credit card processing company Gravity Payments has decided give out a massive
raise that will bring the minimum salary for his 120 employees to $70,000 per
year. "If it’s a publicity stunt, it’s a costly one," writes the New York Times,
noting that the average annual pay at Gravity is currently just $48,000. Thirty
workers will see their earnings outright double. To finance this gesture of
goodwill, Price says he will slash his own paycheck from $1 million to $70,000,
and spend down much of his company's profits. Assuming theTimes hasn't missed some dark ulterior
motive, the man is a mensch.
And, apparently, the sort of guy who reads academic literature
in his downtime. According to the Times, Price hatched his
idea after reading an article by psychologist Daniel Kahneman and
economist Angus Deaton exploring the eternal question of whether money can
indeed buy happiness. Their answer amounted to: yes and no. Based on data from
a massive survey by Gallup, the pair concluded that people with higher incomes
did indeed enjoy a sunnier mood. Asked to recall their emotions the previous
day, they were less likely to report that they had been stressed or worried,
and more likely to remember feeling happy and smiling. But there was a point of
diminishing returns. Once people earned $75,000 per year, extra pay didn't
statistically improve their state of mind at all. Hence Price's decision. For
people who make low five-figures, a bigger paycheck makes a meaningful
difference in the emotional quality of their daily lives.
All this might also sound like validation for those
of us who like to think the wealthy are all secretly miserable, or at least no
happier than the rest of us. But that isn't quite right. While Kahneman and
Deaton found that $75,000 may have been the magic cutoff for cash's ability to
brighten our daily lives, the results changed when survey takers were asked to
rate their degree of life satisfaction in the abstract. Given a chance to sit
back and ponder, people with more money tended to evaluate their lives more
positively. And there didn't seem to be any point where an extra dollar stopped
making a difference.
You can see the distinction between money's power
to influence our daily emotional experience and its influence on how we view
our station in life more broadly in the graph below. The measures of mood all
peak and flatten out once people reach about $75,000. Life satisfaction, on the
other hand, simply climbs with income, albeit a bit more slowly once people
start earning around six figures. “Beyond $75,000 in the contemporary United
States," the authors write, "higher income is neither the road to
experienced happiness nor the road to the relief of unhappiness or stress,
although higher income continues to improve individuals’ life
evaluations." So money can't make us infinitely more joyful. But it might
be able to make us infinitely more content.
This finding has been echoed in work by economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, who looked at
differences in life satisfaction both internationally and within individual
countries, and found that there was no cutoff where additional income seemed to
stop making people more pleased with themselves. "We find no evidence of a
satiation point," they write. Still, I doubt knowing that would make the
employees of Gravity Payments any less thrilled.
Source: Slate. com
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